Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Ambassador Bunch

The Ambassador Bunch

I am glad to be one of "the bunch", aren't you?
Some people mistakenly think of the Ambassador class as a group of “oldsters,” but one look around the chapel-classroom shows a different story.  Most Sundays the crowd will be varied; everyone from a young teen, to people well into their 90’s, and every age in between.  WE ARE A UNIQUE BUNCH!
You will find that we often sit in the same sections, not because we insist they are “our seats,” but because we are creatures of habit, and we seem to be drawn to the same pews every Sunday.   WE ARE A FAITHFUL BUNCH!
When it comes to music, some of us readily admit that most of our talent has slipped away.  Our vibratos have widened considerably, and as for pitch, there is definitely something to be desired.  While we open our hymnbooks, we seldom glance at the words.  We have sung these wonderful songs so often that they have become an indelible part of our memories.  WE ARE A JOYFUL BUNCH!
We do not apologize for the fact that canes and walkers, knee and hip replacements, and pacemakers and defibrillators are vital parts of some of us.  They are blessings, not embarrassments.  They make it possible for us to attend church.  WE ARE A GRATEFUL BUNCH!
Our Bibles and offering envelopes are almost a part of our Sunday wardrobes; they go together.  Shaking hands with people who enter the classroom is a part of our welcoming ministry.  WE ARE A FRIENDLY BUNCH!
We read the prayer requests like a book.  We are deeply concerned as we see new names added regularly.  We pray for those on the list.  WE ARE A CARING BUNCH. 
Yes, we are the Ambassador bunch; unique in our ministry, faithful in our attendance, joyful in our singing and grateful for every blessing.  We are a caring, praying bunch of people who look forward to meeting every week in God’s house.

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