Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mary's Story

Mary’s Story
(from John 16-20)
There were a number of Jesus’ friends standing near the cross when He died.  I was there with Mary, His mother.  It had to be hard for her to see wicked men put her first-born to death.  She had watched Him grow up, heal sick people and even give life to some who had died.  And now, He was dying.
I heard as He called out to John, asking him to care for His mother.  He was concerned about her to His dying hour.  Together we watched as Joseph, a quiet follower, took our Master to a nearby garden grave.  I saw where they buried Him.
It was still dark that early morning when I decided to go to the tomb.  Much to my surprise, the stone that had covered the grave entrance was gone.  I quickly went to tell Peter and John about it, and they ran to the garden grave to check it out for themselves.  After they left, I took one last look into the tomb and there I saw two angels.  I broke into a sob and one of them asked why I was crying.  As I began to explain, another person stood nearby.  He too asked, “Why are you crying?”  I quickly explained that someone had taken Jesus and I didn’t know where they had taken Him.  Quietly the Stranger spoke just one word.  “Mary,” He said with tenderness.  It was Jesus; my Master, my Lord, my Friend.  He was alive!  He was alive!
I ran as fast as I could to tell His disciples.  “I have seen Jesus,” I cried excitedly.  “He is alive.”
Yes, Jesus is alive.
Rejoice, rejoice O Christian, lift up your voice and sing
Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the king;
The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find,
None other is so loving, so good and kind.


—Ruth Jay

Words from the hymn I Serve a Risen Savior by Alfred Henry Ackley (1887-1960) 

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